Further DBS programming

Hi Guys,
As some of you may know last week I went back to Frenchay Hospital to have further programming, which I was really excited about. Since leaving the hospital I have been gradually increasing the voltage of my DBS and have seen small but reassuring signs DBS is having a positive effect.
I’ve noticed I am consistently going longer in between each spasm and both the my physio and I have also seen improvements in my movements too all of which I was eager to report back to Karen.Thank you cake for all the staff at Frenchay x (3)

We arrived in good time so we took this opportunity to go and say a final farewell and Big Thanks to the amazing staff on the Barbara Russell Children’s Unit. We dropped off a cake for them along with some cards before heading over to the portable cabin for my appointment where I was met by Karen.
After a quick catch up and a wound check the programming commenced.

Similarly to last time I suffered with one of the common side effect of facial twitching and peculiar facial sensations, especially when the voltage was being turned up. Because of this it took a bit of time to find a setting that was right for me, one that left me with some benefits but no side effects.
Eventually it was agreed that a more direct channel would be targeted (meaning a specific area of my brain) and higher voltage would be set, which I would then gradually increases just like last time until my next appointment.

I think that’s the thing I find so comforting about DBS, there’s so many options!
There’s no right or wrong setting it’s all down to the individual. There also seems to be no limitation either which reassures me further that DBS is going to be the nearest thing I get to a cure.

Much love to you all and as always thanks for reading
X x x

5 thoughts on “Further DBS programming

    • Thanks Andrea,
      You too are an inspiration. I admire your strength and courage as I’ve said many times before. I also hope by sharing the experiences I have with DBS it will help others along their own journeys. After everything, if I can help someone else out in whatever way then it is all worth while 🙂
      lots of love
      Shannan x


  1. Franz Krämer says:

    Shannan, I read that only now and am glad sincerely that you are better always with DBS. Maybe the settings become even better. I wish it you.
    It with your very positive setting can be a model for others with dystonia.
    It would be nice if I might further read your stories about your life.

    Shannan, ich lese das erst jetzt und freue mich von Herzen, dass es Dir immer besser geht mit DBS. Vielleicht werden die Einstellungen noch besser. Ich wünsche es Dir.
    Du mit Deiner sehr positiven Einstellung kannst ein Vorbild für anderen mit Dystonie sein.
    Es wäre schön, wenn ich weiter Deine Geschichten über Deinen Lebensweg lesen dürfte.


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